Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BP and Shell set to announce £7.5 billion profit!

When you think it couldn't get any worse than spending a large sum of money topping up your new Nissan Juke some rather annoying news from oil giants BP and Shell is about to be released with both of the companies set to announce a combined quartley profit of £7.5 billion. Yes £7.5 billion. What a joke!

People up and down the country are struggling financially and cutting down on travel due to the prices at the pumps being so high yet these greedy tycoons are raking in a profit of £1,000 per second.

The average price across the country is currently £1.36 with the highest price found being a ludicrous £1.49!  The war between the supermarket petrol stations seems to have dwindled with prices rising steadily since April's battle but I do like the ability to now use three 5p off a litre vouchers at Tesco in one hit, that 15 English pence saving per litre makes for a good saving on a tank that currently takes £80 to fill up!

The AA have been quick to express their disapproval of the coming news and I can imagine there will be a lot of people angered and bamboozled by it as well. Anyone else senses an uprising?
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